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Grammar, Skills, Writing

Parts of Speech

Published: April 28, 2024

• Written by: Gina Hagler

There’s no way around it. To be a strong writer, you must know something about the parts of speech. In fact, the more you know, the better. So, here’s a quick overview of the Parts of Speech, and how are they used.



A pronoun takes the place of a noun.
Pronouns: I, you, they, he, she, it, we (7).

You can say: He is over there; instead of: Robert is over there.
You can say: They are over there; instead of: Ted and Ann are over there.



An adjective tells more about a noun or pronoun.
These are adjectives: tall, short, smooth, wrinkled…

You can say The tall boy over there. He is tall.
You can say The blue car. It is blue.

These are the adjectives: tall, blue.



Verbs are action words. They tell what someone is doing.

One way to identify a verb is to say, I can ______.

I can run. I can climb. I can sleep. I can eat.

These are verbs: run, climb, sleep, eat.



Adverbs describe a verb. They tell us more about the verb.

These are adverbs: quickly, sleepily, loudly…

You can say The cat ran quickly. She yawned sleepily. He spoke loudly.



Preposition describes the position of things.
These are prepositions: in, on, next to, behind, over, under…

You can say Over, under, around, and through.
You can say in the house. …on the boat … next to the school.

These are the prepositions: over, under, around, through, in, on, next to.



Conjunctions join things. They join words, phrases, and clauses.
The type of conjunction depends upon the situation.

There will be more about this – much more – so stay tuned!



Interjections express a strong feeling or request.

You can say Wow, that was amazing.
You can say I’d like one of those, please.

The interjections are wow, please.

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